Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Movies N'at

Being the eve of one of my top 5 most anticipated movies of all time, I have decided to blog a little about movies n'at.

I will list my top 5 favorite movies of all time.
This should take a while to write. I have much considering to do.

First I will think about it while taking my cat for a walk... yes, my cat. You heard me.


(For you Entourage fans out there.)

1. Shawshank Redemption

2. V for Vendetta

3. The Departed

4. The Godfather

5. Saving Private Ryan

Honorable Mention: The Matrix (1 and 2 only), Forest Gump, Star Wars, American History X, Jaws, Braveheart.



1. Anchorman

2. Superbad

3. Wedding Crashers

4. Animal House

5. Old School

Honorable Mention: Zoolander, A Night at the Roxbury, Borat, Rush Hour (1 and 2), 1941, Young Frankenstein


With that said... and with no real sports going on today from what I can see... I am going to go swimming and then prepare for the Dark Knight 12:04 am show tonight.

Oh yeah.

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